Abstract Submission

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline
    July 31 (Wed.), 2024, August 31 (Sat.)

    2024 September 13 (Fri.), 2024

  • Notification of Abstract Acceptance
    September 13 (Fri.), 2024

    October 11 (Fri.), 2024

Guideline for Abstract Submission

All authors are required to upload their abstract to the on-line abstract submission system. Please prepare your abstract in both MS Word and PDF format for the submission. When you download the abstract template as below, you can see the format of abstracts in detail and check how to make abstracts appropriately.

※ The submitted abstract will either be accepted or rejected based on technical merits evaluated by peer reviewers. The accepted abstract might be reassigned to oral or poster presentations of appropriate topical sessions at the discretion of program committee.


Number of pages allowed for the paper is ONLY 1 page. No more papers as final manuscript needs to be submitted.

  • If you want to withdraw your submitted abstract, you have to email to KISM 2024 BUSAN Secretariat (secretariat@kism2024.kr).
  • At least, one author of each accepted abstract must complete his/her registration and the registration fee by October 25 (Fri.), 2024; otherwise the papers will be withdrawn from the proceedings publication.

Abstract Submission Procedure

  • Step 1

    Click the "On-line Abstract Submission" button.

  • Step 2

    Obtain your ID and PW.

  • Step 3

    Submit your abstract in both MS Word and PDF format.

  • Step 4

    After the abstract submission, the corresponding author will receive the confirmation letter from the KISM 2024 BUSAN secretariat within a week by e-mail.

  • If you have not received the confirmation letter within one week, please feel free to contact us (E-mail: secretariat@kism2024.kr  / Tel: +82-42-472-7460).
  • In order to modify the submitted abstract, you need to click "Modify" button after login with your ID and PW by the abstract submission deadline.
    If you have a problem to find your ID and PW, please feel free to contact us via e-mail (secretariat@kism2024.kr).